✨GOOD NEWS✨ for food businesses:

Online Smart & Automated Ordering Platform that Works 24/7

Increase revenue and save a lot of time & money with:

🙇🏼‍♂️ Problems We Solve

👨‍💼 Perfect for Food Businesses who:


and they need & want:

💎 Why Our Solution

Main benefits & unique values:

Main features & capabilities:

🫶 Both You and Your Clients Enjoy

You as the business owner will:

Your clients will:

Frequency Asked Questions

These solutions are smart & automated web-mobile apps that enable creating leads and clients with attractive, friendly and self-service way. Each of them has a management system including reports, dashboard and more.

We use and work with the leading tools & technologies - from code, low-code and no-code.

🤝 Some of our great advantages:
✔️ Everything is done for you fully customized to your needs
✔️ Fast delivery
✔️ Long-term results that work 24/7
✔️ Satisfaction Guarantee
✔️ one-time investment (with high/fast ROI)


✨ Our business principles:
✔️ Full flexibility: the product is not closed and can always be upgraded and expanded according to needs
✔️ Full independence: after delivery, the data and storage are yours
✔️ Full warranty: unlimited revisions during the warranty period - for complete satisfaction

Let's talk! You are welcome to:

  1.  Leave us your message on the chat here.
  2.  Book an online consultation to see a demo and get a quotation.

Why Businesses Choose Us

🤩 Some Testimonials

Natalie Dashti
Natalie Dashti
Natuch Online Store, Owner
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"Hi, I'm Natalie Dashti, the owner of the online store: Natuch. Idan helped me to create excellent automation systems that save me precious time and make me a lot of money, without spending money on sponsored campaigns that you can never know when they will ever pay themselves back. Idan helped me to build business strategy and marketing campaigns that brought me five times more than my usual income. I highly recommend it to everyone who owns an online store."
Liroy Levi
Liroy Levi
Chilla Online Store, Owner
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"Idan is a great guy and nice to work with! He brought insights and actions that benefited my business a lot (for example: the ROAS, conversion rate and revenue were increased consistently! Also, now much more visitors are completing their order). He has a deep understanding of marketing techniques & funnels and in a short time he applied them. Most importantly he is a reliable, attentive and available person. I highly recommend working with him!"
Eran Rifer
Eran Rifer
Pachapuri Online Store, Owner
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"I met Idan after being recommended by my business consultant. I must admit I was very impressed. Idan puts all he got in my project, way beyond his great professionalism. Idan is very patient and keeps his word that he will be with me until the mechanism is working both properly and profitably. He put a lot of extra time to do his best at every stage. He knows how to get the best out of any feedback and constructive criticism, and doesn’t spare his own, this is something that I cherish in every person, especially in service providers."
Ofer Yaar
Ofer Yaar
Yaar Wood Industry, Owner
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"We are a carpentry design office, and we deal with several dozen projects at the same time. We had an application that we developed on our own, but we reached the limit of our ability to develop it. We asked from Idan to develop the next generation of the application for us. Idan checked all the needs we had, and sew us a suit that allows us to automatically receive and manage orders from A to Z, including full real-time access for our clients. All we have to do now is carry out the designing..."
Prof. Ruti Gafni, PhD.
Prof. Ruti Gafni, PhD.
Dean, School of Information Systems at The Academic College of Tel-Aviv, Yaffo
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"Idan was one of the most serious people I've met. We have worked together on academic studies, which we have published in journals, encyclopedia and at a number of conferences in Israel and abroad. His way of working is to see the problem and analyze it broadly, and on the other hand to go into in-depth detail from every angle. I really enjoyed working with him. The products were excellent. Highly recommend him."
Dr. Tal Aspir
Dr. Tal Aspir
Senior Consultant and Lecturer
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"We are a carpentry design office, and we deal with several dozen projects at the same time. We had an application that we developed on our own, but we reached the limit of our ability to develop it. We asked from Idan to develop the next generation of the application for us. Idan checked all the needs we had, and sew us a suit that allows us to automatically receive and manage orders from A to Z, including full real-time access for our clients. All we have to do now is carry out the designing..."
David Cohen
David Cohen
Quality Products Marketing
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"We received a customized App for smart and efficient management and monitoring of issues we deal with on a daily basis with our many customers, suppliers, payments, orders, documents and integrations with external systems. The system also includes reminders that are automatically sent to the appropriate person, with the right message and at the relevant time. Idan is an amazing person, who gives a high level of professional service, very attentive. I am very happy that I worked with him. The app he built for my business gives me more control and the ability to manage everything from anywhere."
Dafna Bazak
Dafna Bazak
Numerologist and Life Coach
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"At that moment I met Idan, I realized that I was going to be in good hands. He already had it all in mind. When we set out, I started to get so many insights. Together we brainstormed what needed to be done in order to make my dream come true. I can tell you wholeheartedly, he built me an ingenious work setup! Today I have an amazing App that is constantly evolving. With a click of a button, everything happens. Thank you very much. Don't think twice, it's so fair, thank you very much."
Dan Belostotzky
Dan Belostotzky
Senior Software Architect
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"Idan and I have known each other for over two years. We have worked together on projects large and small in large financial organizations. His work included understanding needs and requirements, implementing and developing screens and many customized business processes alongside testing, implementation and training. Idan also performed regular maintenance and made sure that things worked in the best possible way and to satisfaction. In his work, he demonstrated high abilities and full cooperation alongside great curiosity and motivation and excellent interpersonal skills. Idan gave excellent service, I thank him for his great contribution and definitely recommend working with him!"

Some Of Our Recent Works

Use Timeline to plan projects right the first time. See how the pieces you can spot gapsand overlaps before you start.

We work with the leading tools & technologies

🤝 Have a growing business/organization?

Manage large amounts of data? 📊

Remove all the guesswork and Focus on growing your business!

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